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It's Not Too Soon To Get Out And Prune!

While pruning is commonly associated with the dormant season, mid-summer presents another ideal opportunity to give your garden some much-needed attention. Pruning during this time can help maintain the health and vitality of your plants, ensuring they thrive throughout the growing season.

In mid-summer, it's crucial to focus on deadheading and shaping your plants. Deadheading involves removing spent flowers, which not only keeps your garden looking neat but also encourages the production of new blooms. It redirects the plant's energy toward growth and prevents seed formation.

Additionally, mid-summer pruning allows you to shape your plants and control their size. Trim back overgrown branches, especially those obstructing walkways or encroaching on neighboring plants. Proper shaping enhances airflow, reducing the risk of fungal diseases and improving overall plant health.

When pruning in mid-summer, ensure you use clean and sharp tools to make precise cuts. Aim to remove no more than one-third of the plant's total growth, as excessive pruning can stress the plant. Lastly, water and mulch your plants adequately after pruning to support their recovery and growth.

By investing a little time and effort in mid-summer pruning, you can maintain a flourishing garden filled with vibrant colors and healthy, well-shaped plants.

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